Well, it's April. My blogging has been lacking. 4 weeks left till I go home. Life is busy here. I'm trying to focus on being productive and getting homework done and actually studying and such, but I'm seriously awful at it. I holed myself up in the library yesterday to work on my research paper for English and I got stuff done. But now I don't know what else to write to cover 4 more pages and that's realllllllly not good.
Is it too early to start trying to sell my books? Because I just posted the majority of them on half.com, which claims I didn't buy anything in January but I totally bought all my books for the semester then sooo I don't know why it's being crazy.
I need to settle down and buckle down and do work. I just want to nap but it's like 7 and I don't take naps after 6 soo. guess I'll try to get into bed early. I register tomorrow morning! Finally. I feel like I've been waiting to do that for ages.
I wish I actually had something to legit blog about, but I'm honestly not in the mood/there really isn't anything. Okay, I bet there is, but nothing is pressing on my mind that I really want to write soooo guess this blog is really a pointless one. Just wanted to let you know I'm still alive.
Can I just say I really like capris? I don't own any so I have to make my own, folding up my straight leg jeans so they have big cuffs and like 5 inches of my leg show. Looks pretty classy when it folds up all nicely. Sometimes they get too chunky and it looks bad, sometimes they turn out uneven and that's not okay. Currently, however, I am loving them. Perfection.
I'll end this with something my awesome sister Katie did once.
My 3 mundane wishes:
1. Homemade pizza.
2. A good night's sleep that when I wake up I can remember my dreams and I feel ready to take on the day.
3. armadillos at Diadeloso on Thursday. [ok that's a ridiculous one, but armadillos are so cool hah].
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