Sunday, July 10, 2011


So last night I stumbled upon [not Stumble! Upon] this blogpost about solitude and it made me realize that maybe that's my life right now too. I'm just gonna include the link here because the girl who wrote it did a wonderful job looking into solitude and all. Solitude I especially liked her first two points about how solitude is important for spiritual growth and also how solitude can be difficult, yet beneficial, and practice is necessary. Lately, I've just been feeling down and frustrated at the state of things and lonely and distant from friends and it's been hard. I don't like it, but now seeing as maybe God's got me here for a reason, I'm hoping it will make this time more bearable. I've been slacking on spending time with Jesus every day and honestly, that's probably a part of my frustrations and such. I'm feeling more encouraged and hope to get back to spending time with Jesus everyday. It's still hard for me to not think of it as something I have to check off a list, but as something I want to do and enjoy. I feel like I've gotten so much advice and stuff on spending time with God, but for some reason, I can't make it stick. I don't know. Just a thought. So yeah. That's what's up. I'm slowly working to be satisfied and content in God and to be patient because things don't happen overnight. I've got 37 days till I go back to Texas [what? that soon already? craziness.] and I want this last month or so to be marked by satisfaction and contentedness, not the opposite. I don't want to spend them wishing it were actually August 16, even though I do miss Texas; I want to spend them investing in the relationships I have here in Indiana. So let's go. No more moping around. Solitude is good and beneficial and needed. Embrace.

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